
Children's Ministry
Children’s ministry consists of Sunday School and Wednesday Warriors. Both are all-inclusive discipleship groups currently offered for pre-K through 12th grade. Sunday School meets at 9:45am on Sundays and Wednesday Warriors meets from 6:30pm- 8pm on Wednesday evenings. Bus transportation is available upon request. We seek to love each precious one like our own and share the good news of Jesus Christ each time we meet!
Men's Ministry
If it sounds like a tight-knit group of guys, that’s because it is. Seeking to equip men to live powerfully through Christ, the men of the church meet regularly. The food is always good and the fellowship even better. A yearly men's retreat is also a highlight for this group. Come check it out!

Youth Ministry
Youth Sunday School class is at 9:45am on Sunday mornings and there is youth class on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. Come hang out, eat, and learn about Jesus together!
Women's Ministry
The women of SLBC enjoy gathering for a time of study and fellowship. The ladies host events to gather support for the Edna McMillian State Missions Offering and Lottie Moon Christmas offerings. Additional fellowship evenings/weekends are sprinkled throughout the year with summer and Advent Bible Studies available as well. All are welcome!

Pastoral Support
I am thankful for and challenged by the role of shepherding the flock the Lord has entrusted me. I seek to teach and lead each one that steps through the doors of SLBC in Biblical truth. I desire to see each one come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and those that are saved fall deeper in love with Him! I am here to listen, counsel, and guide and just a phone call away!
Volunteer Groups
The opportunities to serve are plentiful at SLBC and we would love to get you plugged in! From working at the local food bank to serving meals each semester to local college students, there are numerous ways to be blessed while being a blessing.